How to Make Your Home More Energy Efficient on a Budget

The cost-of-living situation in the UK leaves households with a difficult balancing act. On the one hand, many are struggling to pay for energy. At the same time, many of us are looking for ways to lower our carbon footprint.

What if you don’t have a lot of money to spend on energy efficiency? To lower your monthly energy bills, you don’t always have to install expensive hardware or invest in high price tech.

The free energy efficiency advice service

LEAP is helping individuals stay warm and lower their energy bills with a free energy and money saving advice service. It is our job to help as many people as possible who have fallen into fuel poverty or those who are at risk of falling into fuel poverty.

We have a wide network of advisors around the UK that can discuss your situation with you, arrange home visits and offer on the spot advice that you can put into practice straight away to live more comfortably.

In this blog, we will skip straight to a selection of easy, cheap, and useful things you can do to save energy and money at home.

How to make your home more energy efficient


Always check your windows and doors for drafts. Using cheap air excluders or foam tape can make a big difference.

Aluminium sheets (or radiator foil) should be placed behind heaters on the outside walls to keep heat from escaping to the outside and to keep the heat inside the room where it is needed.

Heating system

Try lowering the temperature by one degree. By making this simple change, you can cut your monthly heating costs by up to 10%!

Drop your water heater settings slightly, too. Stick to about 120 degrees above room temperature, minimising heat and energy wastage, without sacrificing comfort.

Clean or change the filters in your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems on a regular basis, to keep them working at maximum efficiency.

Make sure that no furniture or blankets are blocking radiators or vents, so that your heating system can achieve the best airflow possible.


Installing a shower head with a low flow rate is a simple way to lower the amount of hot water you use.

A tap that drips loses huge amounts of water every year; leaks should always be fixed as soon as possible. In most cases, all you need to fix a leak is a replacement washer.


You can save a lot of money by replacing your old electric lights with LEDs. Traditional light bulbs use up to 75% more electricity than LED light bulbs.

Make the most of natural light as much as possible. Rather than rely on artificial lighting, open the blinds and curtains as often as you can and enjoy the health benefits! If you work from home, try relocating your desk to be close to a window.

Electrical gadgets and appliances

When chargers for phones and computers are plugged in, they use power, even when they’re not in use. Take out the plugs wherever possible.

Ensure that the dishwasher and washing machine are run on energy saving settings.

Did you know the fridge and freezer work better when they are full? If there is extra space available, fill it with water bottles or jugs.

If your home appliances are frost-free, you should thaw them before the ice grows to a quarter of an inch thick. This will ensure they operate efficiently.

Save energy and lower your energy bills, one step at a time

You can save a lot of money on your energy bills simply by changing small habits, one at a time. For example, turning off the lights when you leave a room, taking shorter showers, and not running the water while you brush your teeth.

The smallest changes can make the biggest difference. Start with one from this list, and the rest will follow. Being smarter with your energy use doesn’t have to cost a lot of money!

Am I eligible for LEAP Energy Advice?

Fill in this quick online application form and provide us with your postcode and we will be in touch to arrange your first LEAP Energy Advice Service appointment.
