Apply now

Please complete the below application form.

LEAP Appliance Scheme

The Appliance Scheme is currently closed in England & Wales.

The Appliance Scheme is currently closed in Scotland.

LEAP Boiler Scheme

The boiler scheme is currently closed.

Find all the energy support available here.

0800 060 7567England & Wales
0800 029 4543Scotland

You can phone FREE on 0800 060 7567 or email if you have any problems using the form.

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Data Protection

This service is delivered by Agility Eco Services Ltd, in partnership with local authorities, and is funded by the Warm Home Discount Scheme. The personal information that we and other relevant organisation may process includes but is not limited to your contact details, information about your property and energy supply and income and welfare benefits.

We will protect and process your personal information is in accordance with our data protection policy, a copy of which is available at

Before referring you on to any other service, we will seek your consent. Your personal information will not be used for any other purposes whatsoever.

If you have any difficulty viewing or using the embedded form, click here to access an alternate version. This version may work best for you if you’re using an older web browser or a mobile. If you have any issues with this please let us know at

For more information on how we handle your personal data, please read Your Personal Data.
