Help With Debt Management Made Easy

Dealing with debt can feel like a heavy burden, especially when you’re unsure where to turn for help. Luckily, there are practical solutions and resources that can guide you through challenging financial times.

In this blog, we’ll cover several key resources that can provide meaningful help with debt management, all covered in the LEAP/ IncomeMax Self-Help Checklist.

The LEAP/ IncomeMax Self-Help Checklist

You’re not alone in facing financial difficulties; many people are in the same boat. To offer a helping hand, IncomeMax and LEAP have created the LEAP / IncomeMax Self-Help Checklist. This resource aims to provide you with comprehensive tools and information to manage your financial worries.

The checklist is filled with live links to helpful tools, information, and organisations that can make a significant difference. Whether you’re struggling with Universal Credit, Cost of Living support, or other financial concerns, the checklist offers clear guidance and direct paths to potential financial relief. It’s designed to be a straightforward starting point, enabling you to identify areas where you might qualify for additional support and how to apply for it.

National Debtline

Facing debt can be a lonely and stressful experience, but National Debtline is here to walk this journey with you, offering free and impartial debt advice. Here’s how National Debtline can support you:

Immediate Expert Advice

When you reach out, you’ll be connected directly to one of their expert debt advisors. These advisors understand the pressure you’re under and aim to provide immediate assistance.

Creating a Budget

They will help you create a budget tailored to your circumstances, to assist with finding suitable debt solutions.

Personalised Debt Plans

They’ll work with you to develop a long-term plan, focusing on manageable steps to regain financial control.

Ongoing Support

They offer continuous support and adjustments to your plan as needed.


Juggling multiple debts can seem impossible! PayPlan understands this struggle and aims to reduce your financial stress so that you can focus on living comfortably. Here’s how PayPlan can help with debt management:

Flexible Options

You can choose how to get help—from telephone calls to Live Chat or WhatsApp.

Effective Budgeting Assistance

They help you create a straightforward, effective budget that highlights your spending, making it clear where you can allocate funds.

Customised Solutions

PayPlan will suggest debt solutions that are uniquely suited to your situation.

Ongoing Support

They don’t just offer a quick fix! PayPlan supports you on your journey, ensuring you stay on track.

Debt Camel

Debt Camel’s aim is to make debt management accessible and understandable for everyone. Here’s how Debt Camel can assist you:

Addressing Concerns

Debt Camel talks about the real issues that worry people, with really straightforward advice.

Simplifying Complex Issues

Debt Camel breaks down complicated topics without jargon and uses relatable language.

Practical Help

Debt Camel ensures you know where to go for deeper insights and practical help, making your debt management journey clearer and less stressful.

Keeping You Informed

With regular updates on financial news, Debt Camel ensures you stay informed about the latest developments that might impact your financial situation.

Advice Scotland

If you are based in Scotland, Advice Scotland can be an invaluable resource. They provide tailored support and guidance suited to your specific financial challenges, ensuring you have the right tools to manage your debt effectively. Here’s what Advice Scotland offers:

Debt Advice

From mortgage arrears to credit card debt and HMRC debts, they cover a wide range of issues.

Free Resources

They offer guides and links to online tools, helping you manage your debts practically.

Income Maximisation Tips

Their resources include ideas to maximise your income, making every pound work harder.

Budgeting Advice

Learn how to draft a budget that helps you control your spending and redirect funds toward debt repayment.


MoneySavingExpert, founded by Martin Lewis, is dedicated to helping you cut costs and manage your finances efficiently. It’s a go-to resource for anyone looking to make the most of their money!

Here’s how MoneySavingExpert can support you:

Comprehensive Financial Guides

Their detailed guides, such as the Money Makeover Guide, offer step-by-step advice on managing your finances better.

Active Community

Engage with a large community of like-minded individuals who share tips and advice, providing a support network as you manage your debt.

Deal-Finding Tools

Discover the best deals and offers, helping you save money and reduce your expenses.

Research-Backed Advice

Benefit from thoroughly researched advice on a wide range of financial topics, ensuring you’re making informed decisions.

Where Do I Start?

All this information might feel overwhelming, especially when you’re already under a great deal of financial stress. To make the first step easier, consider arranging a LEAP energy advice call with us. Our dedicated advisors are ready to provide personalised assistance and guide you through the initial stages of managing your debt.
