Our Blogs

(LGA) The UK’s telephone network is changing. Between now and 2025 most telephone providers will be moving their customers from old analogue landlines over to new upgraded landline services using digital technology. This means services that rely on the old landline system such as home phones and healthcare devices will be switched over. How will…

Here are our top ten energy efficiency tips Try and adjust your day-to-day behaviours. This can be as simple as turning off your lights and appliances when you are not using them or carrying out household tasks manually such as hanging out your washing to dry. Turn your room thermostat down by just one degree…

As you’ve probably heard in the news by now, many customers – nearly 1.5 million- are likely to be affected by the collapse of several energy firms over the past few weeks. This is an anxious time for many people, not only for those working in the energy sector, but for the customers who face being switched to a potentially more expensive energy provider. Unfortunately this has happened at the same time as the higher energy price cap comes into force.