Our Blogs

Understanding your energy bills is vital to see where your money is going, but some of the wording can be confusing. Learn about “in credit”

The objective is to replace old, inefficient white goods with modern ones. Learn more about the LEAP White Goods Scheme, here!

The cost-of-living situation in the UK leaves households with a difficult balancing act. Learn how to make your home more energy efficient!

Discover energy companies and their support links. British Gas Energy Trust – Individual and Families Debt Write Off Fund Open for British Gas customers who are in debt with BG or other domestic suppliers who do not have their own energy debt support. Arrears of up to £1500 considered. As part of the application process,…

LEAP has had another very successful year, helping people up and down the country by making their homes more energy efficient and reducing their energy bills. From April 2021 to March 2022, LEAP received 14,699 referrals from its wide network of referral partners, including our energy supplier funders, local authorities, charities and local community agencies. People…